Srinagar, Feb 21 (KNO): School Education Department (SED) Friday ordered its officials to conduct 15 days student enrolment drives from March-01 in Kashmir division.
According to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the order in this regard issued by Director of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) reads, “All the CEOs, ZEOs, complex, cluster heads and HoIs are directed to conduct enrolment drives in their respective jurisdictions as per the prescribed dates and modus operandi.”
The director said that since Schools are going to reopen from March-01-2025 after winter vacations with new hopes and commitment, it is crucial that the department work collectively to ensure maximum student enrollment for the current academic session.
“We encourage all stakeholders to actively and effectively participate in the enrollment drive to be conducted from March-01 to March-15 which will be monitored by DSEK,” it reads.
In addition to this, DSEK said that its senior functionaries and respective district administration shall be visiting personally some areas to boost the drives.
It further reads, “All the concerned field functionaries shall conduct this activity as per the prescribed timelines and document the achievements thereof without disturbing the school functioning.”
The enrollment drive will be inaugurated by the DSEK and simultaneously, all the CEOs and ZEOs have been ordered to start the drive from the potential area of their district. “Every CEO, cluster heads and ZEOs shall lead the campaign. This will inspire the school heads and teachers to bring more and more enrolment for our schools.”
“Door to door campaigning by HoIs and teachers, rallies by children, parent motivation camps involving SMC, VEC and other Community leaders, PRIs, village elders, with particular focus on potential areas shall be mandatory,” reads the order.
It also asked the concerned officials to update village education register for identification of Out of school Children, and Children with Special Needs
“All the officers of the department including CEOs, principal DIETS, HoDs of DIETs, Deputy CEOs, DEPOs, DIET faculty, ZEOs and Zonal Education Planning Officers shall visit at least one or more habitations as part of the door-to-door campaign in order to inspire field functionaries,” it reads.
DSEK has further asked it officials to include mainstreaming of CWSN and Out of School children including the drop outs and never enrolled—(KNO)